GETIN.CITY fb messenger chat-bot
Big City - One Solution
Plans for tonight?
I know exactly where to go – I type name into a search engine.
I choose where to go – browsing through several websites and web pages.

I've found where I'd like to go:
I'm trying to make a booking through the mail/online form/mobile app - waiting for an answer.

I'm calling the administrator - the line is busy, I hear noise, or they simply don't understand what I'm trying to say.

The administrators have no time for an answer to all customers inquiries.
And if I have no answer, I probably won't be back again.

Dubai offers a wide choice of entertainment

However, the existing aggregation platforms still cannot solve the problem of choice.
Besides they do not solve the problem of connecting clients with the selected destination either.
What is the GetIn.City chat-bot?
In an era of instant messengers in every pocket, people strive to get information as soon as possible without leaving the scope of a single smartphone screen.

This means people want to get complete information via their mobile devices, without having to open additional tabs or downloading new applications.

Chat bots - is a new trend intended to solve these problems. allows to plan leisure, without leaving the Facebook messenger in which the chat bot is running.

Currently chat - bot is able to solve the problem of browsing for the most popular cinemas' schedules and comparing time sessions in a single window.
You don't need to leave the messenger in order to see popular networks, look through the posters, choose the most convenient time in the same screen and by a single click switch to official website of the selected cinema theatre and buy tickets.

In addition stores posters for the most popular entertainment places, with the possibility of booking.
Is there a solution for customers and popular sites in the city?
  • The most popular social network!
    Everyday we use this network for news, ads and chat with friends.
  • 6.5 million active users in UAE.
    Maybe you don't use it every day. But if you have the assistance in your contact list.
    You no necessary to check other platforms for getting information about popular entertainments in the City.
    It makes
  • All popular categories on a single menu screen.
    It's the shortest way to seek a schedule of cinemas, nightclubs, events and contacts for the booking.
  • Chat&Call
    Direct communication with administrators and clients.In one screen.
How does it work?
See ad and push the Start.
The customer clicks on an ad when scrolling through the news feed in Fb.

Fb redirects customer to the messenger where he begins to chat.
At start that customers see.
First offers that customer sees - Hot Deals.

It's maybe special offers or events that will be tonight.
User-friendly menu - is always on the main screen.

Convenience gallery of the sites for the check and scroll.
Convenient presentation of places and a choice of further options.

Full poster of events or special offers from the site.

For restaurants, it's maybe hot menu.
Constant direct contact with administrator.

Customer can make a call.

Customer may send a message and request the necessary information.

Administrator receives the message and provides an answer. All the correspondence is stored and available both to administrator and the client.
Our test promo campaign has a good conversation on the Facebook.
During 14 days campaign, we have tested offers and got a good feedback and advertising CTR.
1262 users have started use the bot.
300 users use it every week.
The conversion is 24% for regular using.
When all functions will start work, the conversion will be higher.
In this time users can check information.
When they will contact with places it be full service.
Let's check out how it's seeing user.
Here is the deal / The list of benefits.
🍀Placement in a chat-bot gallery.
Full options.
Search by name.
Search by tags.
Search by location.
Search by a gallery.

💰Direct client-administrator chat.
The user can make the direct chat with your administrators.
Customer may send a message and request the necessary information.
You can add to direct chat all of yours administrators, PR managers, selling persons. No limit.
It's can be personal pages, public pages or special pages for work.
All conversation inside the chat.
Full privacy.
Every check period we will be sent to you reports, how it works. Time for an answer, the question without answers, done requests etc.
If administrators don't answer on requests, the bot will send a complimentary message to the customer about a delay.
All the correspondence is stored and available both to administrator and the client.
Free in this time.

💰Posters of the special offers.
First gallery when user Starts or Restarts bot.
Separate button in two menus.
Limited offer. Only ten posters.
Price on request.

💰Mass mailing to all users of the chat-bot.
Your offer will be received by all users.
Price on request.

💰Recommendations posts.
Special messages with recommendations of your place when a user makes a search.
Price on request.

🍀Direct client-administrator Call.
The user can make the direct call to your administrators.
Soon. In Mob app.
🍀Placement in a mobile application.
Full options.
Search by name.
Search by tags.
Search by location.
Search by a gallery.
Search by calendar.

💰Direct client-administrator chat.
The user can make the direct chat with your administrators.
Customer may send a message and request the necessary information.
Administrator receives the message and provides an answer. All the correspondence is stored and available both to administrator and the client.

Managing different channels of communication with customers. The chat assembles all of your messages from all your forms, mails, chats and delivers them to the available administrator in a single window.

💰Management of ranking for your establishments.
Our staff handles the feedback and comments.
The customers can read and write reviews of your place.
Make a rank. You can manage it.

It's the shortest way to seek a schedule of cinemas, nightclubs, events and contacts for the booking.
The customers will choose what they prefer. Chat-bot or Mobile app.
Sites get two channels.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Dubai, UAE.
Phone: +971528039145

Roman Gorobchenko